TestSuite and other Failures in today's CVS head

On 2/20/09, Yasuaki Honda <yhonda at mac.com> wrote:

>  If I remove the line 673 of init-cl.lisp:
>       (adjust-character-encoding)
>  from the definition of cl-user::run() function, imaxima works fine.

Thanks for tracking down the error. I've committed the following
(wrapping UNWIND-PROTECT around the character encoding stuff).
Let me know if it helps.


Robert Dodier

--- src/init-cl.lisp    1 Feb 2009 18:22:52 -0000       1.134
+++ src/init-cl.lisp    21 Feb 2009 19:01:24 -0000
@@ -674,8 +674,12 @@
           (macsyma-top-level input-stream batch-flag))))))

 (defun adjust-character-encoding ()
-  #+clisp (progn (setf custom:*default-file-encoding*
(ext:make-encoding :input-er
ror-action #\?))
-                 (setf custom:*terminal-encoding*
+  (unwind-protect
+    #+clisp (progn (setf custom:*default-file-encoding*
+                         (ext:make-encoding :input-error-action #\?))
+                   (setf custom:*terminal-encoding*
+                         custom:*default-file-encoding*))
+    #-clisp nil))

 (import 'cl-user::run)