The Unit size of axes when do the plotting

You can specify the xrange and yrange for your purpose.
I remember that the help for plot2d explain this carefully with an example.

We can plot a circle using a parametric plot with a parameter t. It is not
> necessary to give a range for the horizontal range, since the range of the
> parameter t determines the domain. However, since the graph's horizontal
> and vertical axes lengths are in the* 4 to 3 proportion*, we will use the
> xrange option to obtain the same scaling in both axes:
> (%i8) plot2d ([parametric, cos(t), sin(t), [t,-%pi,%pi],
>       [nticks,80]], [x, -4/3, 4/3])$
> But Who know how to set the aspect radio globally, so we don't have to
adjust it every time when using plot2d.

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Wen Xi <seahalo at> wrote:

> Hi, guys,
> When I do the plotting in Maxima, the unit size of X,Y axes are not the
> same length. It seems that the unit size of each axis was adjusted by Maxima
> automatically.
> The result is the curve drawing effect is not the same as the exact effect
> of the eal world and distorted.
> Is there some option to make the unit size of every axis are the same?
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