equal problem

On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, Barton Willis wrote:
>evaluation of?the?expression.

Right--also the option variable signbfloat controls this:

(%i17) is(equal(%e^(log(2)/2)-1 , (sqrt(2)-1))), signbfloat : true;
(%o17) false

(%i18) is(equal(%e^(log(2)/2)-1 , (sqrt(2)-1))), signbfloat : false;
(%o18) unknown

In (%o17) Maxima returns false for a spurious reason. Some time ago
I think I tried building Maxima with signbfloat : false as the default.
It didn't break all that many tests; should we consider signbfloat : false?

I can't find any documentation for signbfloat.

(%i1) ?? bfloat
 0: bfloat  (Functions and Variables for Floating Point)
 1: bfloatp  (Functions and Variables for Floating Point)
Enter space-separated numbers, `all' or `none': 0;
 -- Function: bfloat (<expr>)
     Converts all numbers and functions of numbers in <expr> to
     bigfloat numbers.  The number of significant digits in the
     resulting bigfloats is specified by the global variable `fpprec'.

     When `float2bf' is `false' a warning message is printed when a
     floating point number is converted into a bigfloat number (since
     this may lead to loss of precision).

(%o1)                                true

Ted Woollett