Maxima for Mac


On Wed, 4 Mar 2009, Wolfgang Lindner wrote:
> I and my students are happy using Maxima 4 Windows - some with wxMaxima as
> GUI (because it has look and feel like Maple), some with EULER (Math
> Toolbox) as GUI (because it has look, feel and language like MatLAB and has
> a brandnew pure Maxima mode) ..
> But now some new students are using Mac OS. So:
> - is there a Maxima version for the Mac?
> - Exists an 'EXE'-like-Installer for Mac?
> - What to do to have Maxima running on the Mac?
> - Where to find it for download?

  One way to install it under Mac OS X: install MacPorts if it's not 
already installed (, then use MacPorts to install 
the Maxima ports (maxima, and wxmaxima for the GUI): type "sudo port 
install wxmaxima" in a terminal. The "port" command will automatically 
download maxima and the needed dependencies (ports for lisp etc.) and 
compile them. Caveat: compilation will take some time. After installation, 
typing "wxmaxima" in a terminal will launch the GUI.


Christophe Deroulers
University Paris Diderot-Paris 7