pattern matching

Thanks Richard, Xiang and Eric for your suggestions!


Paulo Gustavo Grahl, CFA
pgrahl at
pgrahl at
+55(21) 8809-9254

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:42 PM, reyssat <eric.reyssat at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I think the problem depends on wether you need a simple algorithm or an
> efficient one for long strings.
> The cyclic longest subsequence problem for 2 strings of length s seems to be
> tractable in O(s^2) (or maybe O(s^2/log(s))).
> The link
> might be a starting point for more information and references.
> Eric Reyssat
> Paulo Grahl a ?crit :
>> thanks a lot.
>> A maxima version of the algorithm would be
>> longerone(L1,L2):= if length(L1) > length(L2) then L1 else L2$
>> lcs(L1,L2):= if (length(L1)=0) or (length(L2)=0) then []
>> ? else if last(L1)=last(L2) then
>> append(lcs(rest(L1,-1),rest(L2,-1)),makelist(last(L1),i,1,1))
>> ? else longerone(lcs(rest(L1,-1),L2),lcs(L1,rest(L2,-1)))$
>> but it still does not work for my goal as I need to check within
>> "circular" lists, i.e,
>> ?[a,a,b,c,d] is equivalent to [a,b,c,d,a] and so on and the algorithm
>> proposed gives different results depending on which one of the
>> equivalent lists I am using.
>> for example applying it to [a,a,b,c] and [a,b,z,a] I find [a,b] as the
>> longest common sequence, but I need [a,a,b]. I can apply the algorithm
>> several times with one of the sequences cycled and get the longest
>> result, but I was wondering whether a simpler way to do it exists.
>> Thanks.
>> --Paulo
>> Paulo Gustavo Grahl, CFA
>> ------------------------------------------
>> pgrahl at
>> pgrahl at
>> +55(21) 8809-9254
>> ------------------------------------------
>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:58 AM, Xiang Liu <hsiang.liu at> wrote:
>>> I have no idea on Maxima's approach. But your problem is a typical
>>> longest
>>> common sequence in Algorithm.
>>> We write A=A[1:n], B=B[1:m]. Now,
>>> if A[n]=B[n] then
>>> ?result=common(A[1,n-1],B[1,n-1]).append(A[n]);
>>> else
>>> ?result=longerOne( common(A[1,n-1], B[1,n]), common(A[1,n], B[1,n-1]) );
>>> The pseudo code above is just a skeleton.
>>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 12:10 AM, Paulo Grahl <pgrahl at> wrote:
>>>> Dear list members:
>>>> I'm facing the following problem:
>>>> given a two lists, for example, [a,b,c,x,a] and [z,a,a,b]
>>>> I'm interested in finding the largest sequence of symbols that match
>>>> both lists, considering lists as circular, i.e.,
>>>> [z,a,a,b]=[a,a,b,z]=[a,b,z,a]=[b,z,a,a].
>>>> In the above example, the sequence "a,b" appears in both lists, but I
>>>> would be interested in finding the sequence "a,a,b" which is the
>>>> longest one to appear in both lists (considering the lists as
>>>> circular).
>>>> Any idea on how to find such common patterns ?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Paulo
>>>> Paulo Gustavo Grahl, CFA
>>>> ------------------------------------------
>>>> pgrahl at
>>>> pgrahl at
>>>> +55(21) 8809-9254
>>>> ------------------------------------------
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