Defining rules for Jacobi functions?

Barton Willis wrote:
> In the context of hypergeometic functions, I've been thinking about
> this problem too. For every identity in Abramowitz and Stegun and
> Gradsteyn-Rhyzik do we want to invent a name for the rule? What would
> that look like and how useful would it be? How could we organize this
> so that it is useful and easy to use?
The rules have to be set up so that the patterns distinguish match 
parameters and their properties from
"constants".  i.e.  the matchdeclare( )  stuff is important.
For many rules there should be 2 directions.
Applying the rules may need to be done by some selection mechanism (e.g. 
pointing with a mouse).

Some of the same ideas that went into Tilu could be used for organizing 
the rules, e.g. to tell which
ones are even possible to apply in a given case.  A kind of hash/tree 
The match declarations were done by setting up a global list of pattern 
variables that were
used again and again.  e.g. n,m,i,j,k  were integers...

For hypergeometric reductions, there are some attempts at building 
algorithms though.