Am Sonntag, den 08.03.2009, 15:34 -0500 schrieb Barton Willis:
> -----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----
> >
> > There are some more declarations in the database, but I think these do not
> > work, because the property 'OPERS T is missing on the property list.
> >
> > Furthermore I think the implementation of opers-apply is not very
> > efficient.
> > This might be the reason why it is not used for the implementation of the
> > reflections-rules for the trig functions or the conjugate-rules.
> Conjugate-simp doesn't use opers-apply because I didn't know about
> opers-apply
> when I wrote conjugate.lisp. The same is true for the trig reflection
> rules. Actually for the reflection rules, I only revised the old code (that
> also did not use opers-apply).
> If I were to write conjugate.lisp over, likely I wouldn't use opers-apply.
> It seems to me that opers-apply sorts through many possibilities; also, I'm
> not fond of distributing the work of simple tasks over multiple
> files and functions.
Yes, I think too that the implementation by traversing the global list
*opers-list is not very efficient.
At this time I am interested in using the existing code to give the
functions the desired and expected functionality.
A more general and efficient support for operator properties like
SYMMETRIC, INCREASING, ... might be an important step to introduce more
functionality at a lot of more places in Maxima.
Dieter Kaiser