Google Summer of Code


How about a real "server mode" for Maxima, so its kernel can run as a  
daemon, and be used by other applications? This has to be truly  
scalable in high load situations and not start a new process every  
time. We fudged something for our LON-CAPA project, but it is  
basically behaving like terminal emulation, "typing" the expressions  
into the command line of a running Maxima:

This works fine, but it is so ugly :-(

They can write their daemon in Python or whatever they want, as long  
as it provides a standard port that other applications can connect to.  
Feel free to provide the above link in the Google Summer of Code  

- Gerd.

On Mar 9, 2009, at 9:23 AM, R Fateman wrote:

> Perhaps a project would be a proper python to maxima linkage, not
> "pexpect" which William Stein of Sage claims is too slow, and  
> therefore
> Maxima should be rewritten, piecemeal in python.
> If a proper linkage were possible, e.g. taking a lisp data structure  
> and
> returning it to python or vice versa, instead of whatever is done,  
> would
> that fix
> everything?
> Or having python run inside the common lisp.
>  I know nothing about pexpect.
> Google seems to like python and not lisp (so much).
> It would be cute to essentially replace Sage's fundamental mechanism
> with something much better.
> Here's another project:  make the google calculator do symbolic math.
> That is, instead of just  2*2=   as a search string, allow x*x=
> Anything involving higher math is, I think, going to be less popular
> than more "common" topics.
> Anything using python seems to be favored somewhat.
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