gnuplot and filledcurves

On Ter, 2009-03-10 at 15:09 +0100, Giovanni wrote:

> set_plot_options([gnuplot_curve_styles,["with filledcurves closed"]]);
> plot2d(sin(x),[x,0,2*%pi]);
Notice that the correct command is set_plot_option (without an s).
But due to a bug, it will not work with the current version.

For the time being, if you want to have the full range of gnuplot options available, my
advice is to generate the plot with:

then, out of Maxima, edit the file maxout.gnuplot created by Maxima, run gnuplot and load
that file:
gnuplot> load "maxout.gnuplot"

another option is to use the package draw, which has implemented more Gnuplot options than
