3D image

On S?b, 2009-02-21 at 13:14 +0100, Mario Rodriguez wrote:
> > In Maxima it is possible to make 3D image and turn images in all 3 
> > directions, but (if I'm not wrong) only during Maxima session.
> > Is it possible to save image which can be turned without Maxima ?
> > Adam Majewski
> You always need to call Gnuplot, from Maxima or directly from command
> line.
> I don't know if Openmath (Maxima's tcl-tk plotter) is more flexible in
> this context.

Sorry for the late reply.

If the openmath plot is created from within console maxima, the file
maxout.openmath can be called from Openmath in this way:
 xmaxima maxout.openmath
Maxima will not be started; openmath will open with the plot and let you
rotate it.

If the openmath plot was created from within xmaxima, no maxout.openmath
file is created, because the data are passed directly to openmath which
is part o xmaxima.
