I would like to download Maxima from CVS to build it with sbcl, but when
I try to checkout using Sourceforge's cvs spells, I get this error:
$cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at maxima.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/maxima login
Logging in to :pserver:anonymous at maxima.cvs.sourceforge.net:2401/cvsroot/maxima
CVS password:
andy at onosendai:~$ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at maxima.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/maxima co -P maxima
cvs checkout: warning: cannot write to history file /cvsroot/maxima/CVSROOT/history: Read-only file system
cvs checkout: Updating maxima
cvs checkout: failed to create lock directory for `/cvsroot/maxima/maxima' (/cvsroot/maxima/maxima/#cvs.lock): Read-only file system
cvs checkout: failed to obtain dir lock in repository `/cvsroot/maxima/maxima'
cvs [checkout aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
Can someone please help me on this?
Thank you in advance,
Non puo' esservi vera conoscenza laddove non si puo' applicare nessuna
delle scienze matematiche.
-- Leonardo da Vinci