how to show the "greek word" in maxima, how to show the (a+b)^2 by human sense

2009/3/12 ?S ???? < at>:

>        1. how to show the greek word such as "alpha", "beta" , "gemma"

Well, if your terminal allows greek letters, you can use them
like any other characters in symbols or strings.

Otherwise, maybe use TeXmacs or Imaxima which display Maxima output via TeX.

>         2. how to show the formula by human sense
> in maxima , that is
> (%i4) expand((a+b)^2)
> (%o4) b^2+2*a*b+a^2
> how can I let the answer of expand((a+b)^2) is
>          a^2+2*a*b+b^2

Try this:

Hope this helps!

Robert Dodier