On Ter, 2009-03-17 at 10:32 +0100, Wilhelm Haager wrote:
> I want to make a simulation using the function rk (Runke Kutta method)
> from the package "dynamics" in the following form:
> rk([x2,1-x1-0.2*x2],[x1,x2],[0,0],[t,0,50,0.1])$
> I need to pass state events to rk, for example
> limitations like "if x>5 then 5 else x"
No, you can't. The current version of rk only accepts expressions. You
could copy rk (it's only a few lines of maxima code) and modify it
calling the functions that do what you want.
An improved version of rk should accept those cases as well as piecewise
continuous function. I've been waiting to see how those things are
incorporated into Maxima in general hoping to be able to use it in rk.
Jaime Villate