
Adam Majewski wrote:
> Hi,
> I use bfallroots function :
> Can it be done for higher periods ? ( for me (GCL)  it fails for period 
> 10 and fpprec:150 or 256)
Assuming I did this right, I see that the polynomial for period 10 is of
order 495.  The largest coefficient has about 285 bits in it.  So maybe
you need to use fpprec of 300 or more?
> I have not found documentation of this function ( maybe I'm wrong).
> If not maybe it will be good :
Thanks for the reminder.  My idea was just to add bfallroots to the
entry for allroots, and add a short note that bfallroots is the same as
allroots, except bfloats are used.
