multiple versions of maxima

On 3/21/09, Paul Bowyer <pbowyer at> wrote:

> The copy of xmaxima I have came with "maxima-5.17.1.tar.gz,"

For the record, the function START-SERVER was renamed to
START-CLIENT in January 2009, after the 5.17.1 release.
So I would expect that START-CLIENT is undefined in your installation.

> $ /usr/local/bin/maxima -u 5.17.1 -r ":lisp (start-server 4008)"

> (%i1) jfa: starting server on port 4008
> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
> UNIX error 111 (ECONNREFUSED): Connection refused

This is exactly the behavior I would expect.

Xmaxima is supposed to open a server socket (default port 4008)
and then it launches a Maxima process and tells it to connect to
port 4008 (from which Maxima will read its command input).
So the above command line can make a successful connection
only if some other process (usually Xmaxima) has already opened
a server socket for it.

> I've never used CVS.

Well, whatever is in CVS is by definition the current version.
CVS is pretty simple although somewhat idiosyncratic.
CVS and other revision control systems are widely used so
if you learn to use it for Maxima I'm sure it will be useful in
other contexts. That said, I'm not convinced it's worth the
trouble to resolve this problem.

Hope this helps in some way.

Robert Dodier