On 3/25/09, Hassan Mohamed <hassan_hany_fahmy at yahoo.com> wrote:
> what is the best way for maxima to connects to a Data Base(any !)
Well, there is at least one Common Lisp library, CL-SQL.
I don't know anything about it. There are probably other SQL libraries.
As to databases, I've worked with MySQL and it seems straightforward.
PostgreSQL is sometimes recommended over MySQL.
I've never used it.
Maxima doesn't have any built-in database functions.
You could launch Maxima, then load the SQL library.
You might need to write some glue code to translate Maxima
objects into stuff the database wants to see. I haven't tried it.
> or read and w to a spread sheet?
Well, I guess that would probably mean Excel, and therefore
struggling with Microsoft's data transfer mechanism ...
My advice is avoid it --- try working with SQL instead.
Hope this helps!
Robert Dodier