Fun with lists

It is possible (for example, commercial Macsyma does this...)
to have an alternative parser that accepts Matlab syntax.

In fact, I think I wrote a parser in Lisp for Matlab, years ago.
There is a funny part of Matlab, or at least it was then, that the meaning
of f(x) could be a function call or an array reference.  It was a 
function call
if there was a file named  f.m  in a certain directory.

That meant you could not really compile Matlab independent of some 
user's file system.

But anyway, if there is an interest in R or Octave or something similar 
as an alternative
top-level language, find an ambitious undergraduate who has taken a 
compiler course
and ask him/her to just write another parser.

Raymond Toy wrote:
> Stavros Macrakis wrote:
>> I have been using the R system lately for a variety of analyses, and
>> it builds a lot of functionality into subscripting.
> [snip examples]
>> Well, enough for now.  Discussion?
> I'm not familiar with R, but I have used Matlab's subscripting. It's
> really quite handy. (But sometimes makes for really obfuscated code.)
> Based on your description, it seems quite similar to R.
> One thing that would be nice is to have a simple syntax for Matlab's
> a:b:s which generates an vector starting at a and ending at b with a
> step of s.
> I know we can use makelist for that, but it's so much typing for
> something that would be used a lot. :-)
> Ray
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