I think I am doing something fairly trivial, but somehow it does not work:
this works:
(%i37) a(x):=x+1;
(%o37) a(x) := x + 1
(%i38) a(1);
(%o38) 2
this does not:
expand(integrate(exp(x),x,-1,1)/integrate(1,x,-1,1) +
t*integrate(exp(x)*x,x,-1,1)/integrate(x*x,x,-1,1) +
2 - 1 2
- 1
5 %e t 65 %e t - 1
%e 121 %e
------- - ----------- + 3 %e t - -- +
6 6
18 18
(%i32) g(t):=(%o31);
(%o32) g(t) := %o31
(%i33) g(3);
2 - 1 2
- 1
5 %e t 65 %e t - 1
%e 121 %e
(%o33) ------- - ----------- + 3 %e t -
-- + ---------
6 6
18 18
how do I tell maxima that g(t) is a quadratic function?
how do I evaluate and plot it?