Is there a numerical ODE solver facility in Maxima
Subject: Is there a numerical ODE solver facility in Maxima
From: Zach
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 15:24:56 -0600
Ok, thanks everyone, this has been useful. I am still unsuccessful, but
have a direction to work in. Jaime, thanks for the text, I don't know
Portuguese but the examples still help. I talked with a friend who had some
experience with Runge-Kutta stuff and he helped me out a bit.
Here is the equation:
diff( f(x), x, 2) = -k * sin( f(x) ) * cos( f(x) ) /* k is just some
positive constant */
I think the correct approach here is to introduce the function g(x) that is
the first derivative. Looking at the docs and examples, I think I should
have something like...
f(x)=diff(g(x), x)
diff(g(x), x) = -k * sin*(f(x)) * cos(f(x))
rk(['diff(g, x), -1*sin(f)*cos(f)], [f,g], [0,0]/*initial value*/, [x, -.5,
.5, .01]); /*for k=1*/
Which should return a list of lists of form [xval, fval, gval]. However, if
I run that, the program hangs.
Also, after some playing around, I see that I cannot pass something like
'diff(g, x) since x is substituted before evaluation (I am told that
diff(g,-0.5) makes no sense). Any idea how to get this into the right form?
Lastly, the boundary conditions are a bit harder than an initial value and
slope at x=-0.5. I have mixed boundary conditions:
f'(-0.5) + K*sin(f(-0.5))*cos(f(-0.5)) = 0; /* K is just some other constant
-f'(0.5) + K*sin(f(0.5))*cos(f(0.5)) = 0;
This leads me to believe that I can still use a shooting method, (provide an
initial guess of f(-.5) which gives me f'(-.5), then play around with my
guess of f(-0.5) until I get a solution that satisfies the BC at f(0.5)).
Of course, a small angle approximation (sin(f(x)) * cos(f(x)) -> f(x)) can
be made which makes this easy to solve (f(x) ~ cos(x)) and this can be used
for my initial conditions for the shooting method.
So, I think I know a way to proceed except I am not sure how to do it with
rk. Maybe it can't be done? I guess I could always do exactly what I
describe and just use an Euler integrator and take small steps in x... maybe
the error won't be that bad.
(I hope I made no mistakes above, I haven't gotten a result yet, so I am
unsure that my thinking is 100% correct)
2009/4/2 Martin Sch?necker <ms_usenet at>
> (%i1) ? rk;
> -- Function: rk (<ODE>, <var>, <initial>, <domain>)
> -- Function: rk ([<ODE1>,...,<ODEm>], [<v1>,...,<vm>],
> [<init1>,...,<initm>], <domain>)
> The first form solves numerically one first-order ordinary
> differential equation, and the second form solves a system of m of
> those equations, using the 4th order Runge-Kutta method. <var>
> represents the dependent variable. <ODE> must be an expression
> that depends only on the independent and dependent variables and
> defines the derivative of the dependent variable with respect to
> the independent variable.
> The independent variable is specified with `domain', which must be
> a list of four elements as, for instance:
> [t, 0, 10, 0.1]
> the first element of the list identifies the independent variable,
> the second and third elements are the initial and final values for
> that variable, and the last element sets the increments that
> should be used within that interval.
> If <m> equations are going to be solved, there should be <m>
> dependent variables <v1>, <v2>, ..., <vm>. The initial values for
> those variables will be <init1>, <init2>, ..., <initm>. There
> will still be just one independent variable defined by `domain',
> as in the previous case. <ODE1>, ..., <ODEm> are the expressions
> that define the derivatives of each dependent variable in terms of
> the independent variable. The only variables that may appear in
> those expressions are the independent variable and any of the
> dependent variables. It is important to give the derivatives
> <ODE1>, ..., <ODEm> in the list in exactly the same order used for
> the dependent variables; for instance, the third element in the
> list will be interpreted as the derivative of the third dependent
> variable.
> The program will try to integrate the equations from the initial
> value of the independent variable until its last value, using
> constant increments. If at some step one of the dependent
> variables takes an absolute value too large, the integration will
> be interrupted at that point. The result will be a list with as
> many elements as the number of iterations made. Each element in
> the results list is itself another list with <m>+1 elements: the
> value of the independent variable, followed by the values of the
> dependent variables corresponding to that point.
> There are also some inexact matches for `rk'.
> Try `?? rk' to see them.
> (%o1) true
> Best regards,
> Martin
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