I have been developing a control engineering package for Maxima, which is
quite complete and stable in the current state. It covers many aspects of
transfer functions, including step responses, frequency domain methods,
root locus plots, stability, controller design and optimization, state
space methods.
I think, it can be benefical for all who deal with systems science and
control engineering. It has already been used extensively in technical
education during the last year.
A comprehensive documentation is currently only available in German
(http://www.austromath.at/daten/maxima/zusatz/coma.pdf), English
translation will be no problem, if desired.
If there is interest, I would appreciate the incorporation of that package
into the Maxima distribution, due to suggestions of users. How will be the
procedere for that, what woud be the additional requirements?
Currently the package name is COMA (COntrol engineering for MAxima),
in case of incorporation I would propose the name "systems".
Appended is the package "coma.mac" as well an self explanatory wxm-session
file "coma.wxm" which makes a walk through the package and demonstrates
the features.
Best regards
Wilhelm Haager
(wilhelm.haager at htlstp.ac.at)
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