Control engineering package for Maxima

On 4/5/09, Wilhelm Haager <wilhelm.haager at> wrote:

> If there is interest, I would appreciate the incorporation of that package
> into the Maxima distribution, due to suggestions of users. How will be the
> procedere for that, what woud be the additional requirements?

Thanks, Wilhelm. I looked at the code & the documentation and it
seems suitable for inclusion in Maxima. If anyone is opposed to
including it, I'd like to hear about it now.

I have a few comments.

(1) You'll need to put a GNU GPL license statement on each program
or document. My recommendation is to refer to the GNU General Public
License without specifying a version number, because that's how the
majority of the Maxima source code was licensed (by William Schelter).

(2) A test script which comprises a number of input and expected output
pairs should be included.

(3) A translation of the documentation in English would be nice too.

(4) Eventually we'll also want to have some description in the
reference manual (Texinfo documentation). But that can wait til
we get the previous items sorted out.

> Currently the package name is COMA (COntrol engineering for MAxima),
> in case of incorporation I would propose the name "systems".

Actually I think "coma" is a better name. Let's just leave it be.


Robert Dodier