Tests fail for Maxima (HEAD) with ECL 8.12.0

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> wrote:

> The spec doesn't say how (+ a b) should be computed
> when a and b are floats.  So what?

So, due to this & many other gaps, it's impossible to write a
portable program. That's a serious deficiency for Maxima.

> (Does any language specify that?)

Java comes to mind.

> My take on this is that it has to do with the quality of the
> implementation.  Implementations should try to do the "right" thing,
> but are required to do so.

If only the spec didn't leak all over the place, there would be
less room for guesswork.

> It would certainly be nice if this were fixed.  I already asked (as you
> know) about it on the ecl list.

Well, maybe if you point out the relevant fragment of code
from CMUCL, it could speed the process along.


Robert Dodier