Cauchy principal value integral

On 4-8-09 Michel Talon wrote
 "Correct" depnds on the point of view.

In physics it is traditional, and *very* important to write

1/x = PP 1/x + %i*%pi*Dirac_delta(x)

Where the real part is indeed a principal part, and there is an imaginary
part given by a delta "function". This result is the basis of causality
analysis, Kramers-Kronig relations, etc. and is indeed related to
application of Cauchy relation for complex integrals.

It may well be that the maxima integration routine takes this in view.

1. I am using "principal value integral" in the usual mathematics sense,

   Let    pri ( f(x), x, c, a, b ) stand for:

           limit ( integrate ( f(x)/(x-c), x, a, c - eps) +
                                  integrate ( f(x)/(x-c), x, c + eps, b ) , 
eps, 0, plus) ),

     which ( if the limit exists ) defines the principal value of the 
       integral:    integrate ( f(x)/(x-c), x, a, b ).   See p.252, 
sec.3.05, Gradshteyn and
       Ryzhik, Table of integrals, Series and Products, 7th ed. (Jeffrey & 

2. The symbolic (operator) expression you have written down above actually
    should be written:

    limit ( 1/(x - %i*eps), eps, 0, plus ) = P( 1/x ) +  %i*%pi*delta(x)

    which only has meaning when both sides are multiplied by f(x)*dx and 
integrated over
    an interval which includes x = 0, in which case it means

    limit( integrate ( f(x)/(x - %i*eps), x, a, b), eps, 0, plus ) = pri ( 
f(x), x, 0, a, b) + %i*%pi*f(0)

    provided a < 0 < b and f(x) is a smooth function near x = 0.

    (Refs: a. Paul Roman, Advanced Quantum Theory, Addison-Wesley, 1965, p. 
              b. R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed, Plenum 
Press, 1994,
                            page 662.

3. Since integrate ( 1/x,  x,  -1, 2 ) involves the integration of a real 
   along the real axis,  the result  must be a real number, and there is
   no physics magic which can turn a real number into an imaginary number.

Ted Woollett