fft issues

I am trying to use the maxima fft routines to do some numerical 
solutions of PDEs that I derived using maxima. I want to discretize the 
space, and then use the fft to calculate derivatives and second 
derivatives etc in space.

There are some irregularities that I'm experiencing in the whole process.

For example if I have data y in an array, and I take its FFT, and then 
multiply each coefficient by 2*%pi*%i*k/N and do an inverse transform I 
would expect to get the derivative... but I seem to get the derivative 
multiplied by %pi * (1-epsilon) where epsilon isn't something like 
(N-1)/N or anything that would be obvious if i had a bug.

So i eliminated the factor of %pi in my coefficients, and that gets me 
very close, but I'm not sure why, it doesn't make much sense except that 
the fft implementation has some normalization issues. In any case, 
here's my fftderiv function, can anyone tell if there's something wrong 
in my function or if FFT is perhaps just "losing" energy in the signal 
due to numerical problems?

fftderiv(vals) :=
   fillarray(fftdReal,listarray(fftdReal) * coefs),
   fillarray(fftdImag,listarray(fftdImag) * -coefs),

   /* multiplying by %i is the same as reversing the role of real/imag
   and multiplying by -1 for the i^2 */
