Hello Robert,
I fear it is a quite serious problem and I hope this problem can be solved quite soon. Due to
the fact that wxMaxima is quite popular in at least Austria and Germany we then need
another Maxima version.
I have been playing with this now for two hours. The solution seems to be rather crazy. The
path of the file must be "E:\Temp\wxm518.wxm". Seriously! Then in 95% of all cases
wxMaxima 0.8.2 can load old files (after renaming it to wxm518.wxm and placing it into the
path E:\Temp). No matter with which version it is created. But no other file name is possible
even if it is created by 0.8.2 itself. (Perhaps there are other paths/file names possible, but I
didn't find them.)
A very few old wxm-files don't work even if they have the "right" path and file name. I don't
see a reason for this but the error message "Failed to convert file E:\Temp\wxm518.wxm to
Unicode" pops up. Maybe this is a hint.
While writing I just remember that E:\Temp\wxm518.wxm was the first file I created with
wxMaxima 0.8.2. I will deinstall and install again and check if the situation changes. I'll let
you know.
This is the situation on my Windows computer. I wonder whether this observation can be
reproduced. Unfortunately I have no Linux computer available at the moment to check if this
only a Windows problem. But it seems not.
Am 14 Apr 2009 um 8:56 hat Robert Dodier geschrieben:
> On 4/12/09, van Nek <volkervannek at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > The problem seems to be caused by the file itself, not by the contents:
> > I created a wxm-file with wxMaxima 0.8.2 (Maxima 5.18.0 on Windows) and
> > a wxm-file with wxMaxima 0.8.1 (Maxima 5.17.1) and copied the contents of
> > the 0.8.2-file to the 0.8.1-file with the result that wxMaxima 0.8.2 still crashes
> > when loading the 0.8.1-file (while the socket remains open and an instance
> > of maxima is running).
> I don't understand what's going on here. Is the problem in wxMaxima
> or in Maxima? I'm trying to determine whether to try to squeeze a bug
> fix into the 5.18 release branch. Can you post the 2 files in question?
> Maybe wxMaxima 0.8.2 cannot load any files? (including the ones
> created by 0.8.2)
> I seem to recall Andrej V saying something about recent changes in
> Maxima created trouble for wxMaxima. Is the observed behavior a
> symptom of that?
> Thanks for any information,
> Robert Dodier