Hi Harald,
I can create a website for this on www.verizon.net. I have one already but it is dedicated to something else (not Maxima related).
I will look into it further.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Harald Geyer" <harald at lefant.net>
To: "Richard Hennessy" <rich.hennessy at verizon.net>
Cc: "Maxima List" <maxima at math.utexas.edu>; "Wolfgang Lindner" <LindnerW at t-online.de>
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Maxima] pw.mac is too big to post
> I used Winzip to decrease the size.
Please put it somewhere for download instead of sending it to the list if
it hits the size limit ...
As Wolfgang Lindner pointed out on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 18:27:57 +0100
there probably should be some infrastructure for people to upload
work related to maxima.
I already considered providing darcs/git repositories, on the server
that also hosts the irc logs, but unfortunately there is some connectivity
problem, so I can't do that. Also it's not clear to me how such a service
would ideally work ...
What do others think about this: Could such a service be provided within
the sourceforge project? Should we register a new maxima-related project at
$favorite_foss_hosting_provider? What infrastructure do people working
on maxima related projects like to have?