Leo Butler wrote:
> You may want to do the computations with bfloats, in which case Raymond
> Toy wrote a package `jtroot3' which contains `polyroots', the bfloat
> implementation of `allroots' (as I understand Raymond's documentation).
> I insert this comment because this extension is not presently documented in the
> maxima online help, and I only came across it by accident.
Ah, this needs to be removed. jtroot3 has been replaced by bfallroots
which works much better than jtroot3.
Except for the name, bfallroots works just like allroots, except it
produces bigfloats for the roots.
> (%i1) load(jtroot3)$
> (%i2) fpprec:120$
> (%i3) f:A^3+3*A^2-13*A-38$
> (%i4) polyroots(f,A);
> (%o4)
> [6.083493012b-210*%i-2.805118086b0,-3.041746506b-210*%i-3.779310253b0,
> 3.58442834b0-3.041746506b-210*%i]
> Leo.