Maxima 5.18.1 Mac OS X

On 2009-04-18 21:39 +0100, ?iga Lenar?i? wrote:
> Also I was thinking when making this Mac release - on a mac, Maxima,  
> wxMaxima, gnuplot could happily coexist in a single .app (which would  
> improve simplicity and portability). However an interesting question  
> then is, how do you name .app and how do you count versions.

Making a monolithic .app is not flexible actually I'd prefer being able
to download the individual .app packages. Gnuplot is useful to have

> It seems that wxMaxima and Maxima releases are synchronus - both get  
> new releases 3 times per year normally. Both also don't have any  
> roadmap or goals for next version numbers (like Maxima 6.0 or  
> wxMaxima 1.0) ... Constantly increasing a minor version number is  
> thus in fact a nonsense.

A greater challenge would be making SLIME? talk to maxima. It is far
more superior than the emacs interface included in maxima.

> I thought Maxima would go through bigger changes - like renaming all  
> the functions in a coherent way (like Mathematica), but it seems  
> community is against it - so there really is no "incompatible" change  
> which would cause a major version number increase to Maxima 6.0.

Usually big changes are pushed by users. The more people using it the

.:  Leo  :.  [ sdl.web AT ]  .: I use Emacs :.

    git - the one true version control system