citing maxima

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009, Robert Dodier wrote:

< On 4/23/09, Leo Butler <l.butler at> wrote:
< > The Maxima Group. Maxima, a Computer Algebra System. Version 5.18.1
< > (2009).
< Well, there is no "Maxima Group" so I wouldn't try to pretend there is
< just for the sake of trying to standardize the reference ...
< Attributing authorship to "A multitude" would be more accurate, at least.

There clearly is a set of people who maintain and develop Maxima.
I do not know if this set has an associative binary operation (or who is 1), 
so I abuse terminology somewhat and elevate this set to a group. ;-)

My thanks to the developers for there work. Leo

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