commented out parts of functs.mac. More generally, refereeing "share" or other contributions

-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----


A quick look at the history shows that these functions have been commented
out for a long time.


Yes and no--I uncommented the code. The function linear gathers the
coefficient of the variable:

(%i11) linear(a*x + b * x + z,x);
(%o11) z+(b+a)*x

I think facsum does the same thing.


I thought the Gudermannian function was low-value and obscure too, but
somebody reported a bug in it
the other day.


Maybe some of this information should be available to the user---something

> package_info("functs");
    author: unknown,
    maintainer: unknown,
    approved by: nobody,
    revision: XXX,
    location: share/simplification,
    regression tests: none,
    last update: last Tuesday,
