On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 10:39:26AM -0700, Richard Fateman wrote:
> Dave Feustel wrote:
>> I'm wondering how easily Maple scripts can be converted to run in Maxima.
> Some scripts can be run unchanged.
> for example, x+x
> or
> integrate(log(x),x)
> Others cannot be converted in any sensible fashion because they depend
> on commands that exist only in Maple, or depend on the Maple data
> structures.
>> Can the process be easily automated?
> The easy part can be easily automated. The hard part would require
> rewriting Maple in Maxima or Lisp, not easy.
> Same goes for Maple->Mathematica, Mathematica->Maxima, Maxima -> Maple, etc.
> People who are "selling" the OpenMath or MathML ideas would like you to
> believe this translation is all easy, but they are
> either mistaken or implicitly downgrading all of these systems to their
> least common identical features, like x+x.
I'm just wondering about a 'close enough' translation which would flag
the parts not converted, which parts would then be converted by hand. To
that end, how hard would it be to split the Maxima user manual into
three pdf files which could then be printed by Lulu? Lulu doesn't accept
pdf files with over 800 or so pages.