commented out parts of functs.mac. More generally, refereeing "share" or other contributions

On 4/25/09, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:

>> package_info("functs");
>     author: unknown,
>     maintainer: unknown,
>     approved by: nobody,
>     revision: XXX,
>     location: share/simplification,
>     regression tests: none,
>     last update: last Tuesday,
>     ...)

To the extent that any of this stuff is known, it's in CVS.
I don't think it's worth the trouble of duplicating it.

About functs.mac, I agree it's a mess but for better or worse
there's no sense in pointing fingers; it wasn't written or
imported by any of the current developers.

I keep meaning to do a review of the share packages, to
try to sort out what's worth keeping, and get started fixing
up (bug fixes, documentation, test scripts) the ones we
want to keep. Maybe I'll get started on that this summer.


Robert Dodier