Optimization of Mandelbrot calculation


I'm not sure but maybe :
- writing procedure in Lisp is faster then Maxima
- compiling procodure makes it faster

About optimisation :

also look at :

Some images in Maxima :


Maximilian Kreuter pisze:
> Hi,
> Im using Maxima at my school and I like to use it teaching complex 
> numbers and chaos theory. Therefore I like to show how to calculate and 
> display the Mandelbrot-Set.
> I already got it working so far (you can look at it below). The only 
> problem i have is that the execution gets very slow (and sometimes takes 
> forever), when I choose a lower value for the parameter "resolution" 
> (e.g. 0.01 instead of 0.02).
> Is there anything I could do to optimize this, or any setting i could 
> change to run this faster?
> BTW... Im using wxMaxima on Windows.
> Any suggestions welcome;)
> Cheers
> Maxx
> mandel(reMin, reMax, imMin, imMax, resolution, iterations):=block(
>     [reZ, imZ, absZ, i, pixels, reTemp],
>     pixels:[[0,0]],
>     for x:reMin step resolution thru reMax do [
>         for y:imMin step resolution thru imMax do [
>             reZ:0,
>             imZ:0,
>             absZ:0,
>             for i:1 step 1 thru iterations while absZ < 4 do [
>                 reTemp:reZ^2 - imZ^2 + x,
>                 imZ:2*reZ*imZ + y,
>                 reZ:reTemp,
>                 absZ:reZ^2+imZ^2 
>             ],   
>             if absZ < 4 then pixels:append(pixels,[[x,y]])
>         ]
>     ],
>     return(pixels)
> )$
> plot2d([discrete, mandel(-2,0.5,-1,1, 0.02, 16)],[style, [points,0.2,1,1]]);