difficulty with solve

Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Bowyer <pbowyer at olynet.com> writes:
>     Paul> Hi David:
>     Paul> I understand the complexity, but I do actually need the symbolic 
>     Paul> solutions, if there are any.
Of course there are:  there are 3 roots to a cubic polynomial. Can you 
explain what you plan on doing with an expression
that takes 10 pages to print?  Putting it into a paper or inserting it 
into a C program is a bad idea. Plotting it?
>  So, I'm looking for a response from someone 
>     Paul> who is a Maxima expert that can tell me if there is a problem in solve, 
>     Paul> especially when it just goes off and never returns, or returns with an 
>     Paul> error message.
Possibly it runs out of memory on your computer, or you run out of 
patience.  Or possibly you have encountered a bug (which is not
so terribly likely in this case)
>  For other expressions I've tried solve returns an empty 
>     Paul> solution rather than an error message and does not seem to compute forever.
Solve should return an empty expression if there are no solutions.

> It's unfortunate that solve is so slow in this case.  But David
> Chappaz has given the necessary hints, I think, to get what you want.
> roots:solve(a*y^3+b*y^2+c*y+d,y);
> will give you the 3 roots you want in terms of a, b, c, and d.
> All you need to do is get a, b, c, and d from your original problem.
> You can do
> a : coeff(expand(det1),y,3);
> b : coeff(expand(det1),y,2);
> c : coeff(expand(det1),y,1);
> d : coeff(expand(det1),y,0);
> And then substitute these values into the messy result obtained from
> solve.

You might do better if you divide through by a, after convincing 
yourself that it is not zero.
then you have y^3+B*y^2+C*Y+D,  only 3 parameters.

> But maybe just leaving the roots in terms of a, b, c, d is best.  You
> can easily substitute the desired coefficients in later.

You might also wish to vastly simplify the expression by linearizing it 
with respect to some parameters.