Maxima 5.18.1 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
Using Lisp ECL 9.4.1
rcs(S) := block([L : listify(S)],
apply("+",create_list(binomial(L[i]-1,i), i,1,length(L))) + 1)$
(%i4) ev(rv(1,4),rv([L]):=rcs(setify(L)),nouns);
(%o4) 4
(%i5) ev(rv(1,5),rv([L]):=rcs(setify(L)),nouns);
(%o5) 7.0
(%i6) rcs({1,5});
(%o6) 7
I hope you see the disaster: o6 is correct, and should be the same
as o5, but somehow suddenly the result is turned into a floating-point
number (which depends on the values --- doesn't happen with o4).
I guess I should submit this as a bug, but wanted to hear some comments first.
(Workarounds? Currently the above behaviour blocks a whole development; but
using floor doesn't seem safe ...)