I've sent this email to Starvos (since he is the copyright holder of
nset.lisp) a couple of days ago, but I haven't gotten any response.
Therefore I'm sending this on maxima mailing list.
I've modified $flatten in nset.lisp:
(defun flattenl-op (e op num)
(mapcan #'(lambda (e)
(cond ((or (= num 0) (mapatom e) (not (alike1 (mop e) op)))
(list e))
(t (flattenl-op (margs e) op (1- num)))))
(defun $flatten (e &optional (num nil))
(unless (and (not (null num)) (integerp num) (> num -1))
(merror "flatten: Second argument must be a non-negative
integer: ~M" num))
(when (null num) (setf num -1))
(cond ((or (= num 0) (specrepp e) (mapatom e)) e)
(t (mcons-op-args (mop e) (flattenl-op (margs e) (mop e) num)))))
It works as before for flatten(expr). For 'flatten(expr, num)' the
result is, that flatten 'flattens' 'num' times:
%i84: aa:[[a,b], [[c]], d, [[h],[[d],s]]];
%o84: [[a,b],[[c]],d,[[h],[[d],s]]]
%i134: flatten(aa,1);
%o134: [a,b,[c],d,[h],[[d],s]]
%i135: flatten(aa,2);
%o135: [a,b,c,d,h,[d],s]
%i136: flatten(aa,3);
%o136: [a,b,c,d,h,d,s]
My lisp sucks (feel free to rewrite), I know, but what do you think
about the functionality? This would breach the gap between table and
create_list output, as
flatten( table(i+j,[i,3],[j,3]) , 1) == create_list(i+j, i,1,3, j,1,3).
Also such flatten functionality can come in handy in many places when
working with lists of perhaps coordinates [x,y,z] and you don't want
to flatten out the whole list all together...
I can include this to CVS if I get developer access... Otherwise it
would be nice if someone did it instead of me.
Ziga Lenarcic