[Fwd: Java versus Lisp. Comparison needed.]


> After that change, it compiles flawlessly.

I'm really glad to hear that.

> I suppose that people who wrote the Java program made a very stupid
> blunder. My questions: Does any one in this list have experience in GP
> in Java and SBCL? Are Dr. Lombardo compatible with results in the
> literature?
> BTW, I also ported Dr. Martins's programs to GCL, and discovered that
> GCL takes as long as Java to run them. How do you people explain these
> results?

I'm going to guess that the program creates and destroys a lot of
objects. Maybe Java and GCL are spending a lot of time in garbage
collection, and SBCL handles that more efficiently? Just a guess.
Maybe there is a way to verify that with a profiler or something.

HTH, & thanks for the good news.

Robert Dodier