Load behaviour on Maxima 5.18.0 and above using ecl

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at stericsson.com> wrote:
> Matthew Gwynne wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just to clarify, should I submit a separate bug report for this?
> Go ahead and submit a bug report. ?That way it won't be forgotten.
>> Is this likely to be fixed on the maxima side of things or is it
>> something that just needs to be worked around or perhaps submitted to
>> ecl?
> Yes, it will be fixed if possible.

OK. Thanks, I'll submit a report.

> I notice, however, that share-subdirs-list in src/init-cl.lisp has a
> check for *autoconf-win32*. ?If it is true, then
> default-share-subdirs-list is called to produce the list. ?This is what
> Robert suggested on using which worked for you.
> What is the value of *autoconf-win32*?

(%i1) :lisp *autoconf-win32*



Matthew Gwynne