Subject: Discussion about arrays and matrices in Maxima
From: Žiga Lenarčič
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 23:58:42 +0200
Hi Maxima developers and users!
Since we have no 'benovelent dictator' or Maxima roadmap for future
changes of Maxima, I've decided to start this discussion - in order
to achive a sort of consense among Maxima developers about how the
matrix/arrays situation should be treated and also to come up with
new ideas that haven't been mentioned here perhaps.
I've seen the inefficiency of Maxima's development model from the
user's standpoint of view - I've written a function $table, both
feature rich and 'correct' in order to improve upon the makelist/
create_list situation. However, though there have been some positive
comments about it from users/developers, it all stopped with the
argument, that there are already makelist/create_list functions, but
no real solution is presented to me as a contributor. In effect,
Maxima stays as it is (with inferior solutions), just because
implementing something new would mean some complications (not from a
practical point of view)... So from my experience - it's hard to
improve something in Maxima, though some Maxima's facilities
(makelist/create_list and current array handling pop to mind) are
clearly inefficient and/or inflexible and/or harder to use than they
should be.
Now to the topic of discussion - it has been mentioned many times on
this list, that matrix/array situation should be solved. Current
array handling in Maxima is a disaster - I would be surprised if
someone used it a lot, and I think most people on this mailing list
A solution has been mentioned many times: unification of matrices and
arrays in Maxima. However we have to come to detailed description how
to do this in order that someone can work on this. I have some
opinions on this matter and I hope a discussion will produce a well
formed description of how arrays should be handled in Maxima:
*) Matrices should internally represented as n-dimensional lisp
arrays. So a matrix might look like ((mmatrix simp) #2A(...))
internally. I stress 'n-dimensional lisp arrays', because I wouldn't
like to limit array usage to two dimensional cases, but also one
dimensional and 3-dimensional cases of arrays could be useful. Since
Common Lisp provides arrays of any 'sensible' dimensionality (at
least up to 9 I think), this generalisation comes naturally from the
underlying implementation.
*) Matrices should support advanced indexing possibilities, both for
retrieval of values and assigment (symetric). A good start is
'amatrix' package. I would like to improve upon Maxima list indexing
also to support things like my_list[[1,3,4]]. In general Maxima lists
and Maxima matrices/arrays should try to behave in the same way if
possible - this makes for easier learning of Maxima.
*) Lisp arrays for holding matrix elements should be of general type
for general matrices containing Maxima expressions, but perhaps we
could think about a special case of 'double-float cases, where a
matrix would internally represented by a 'double-float array. I'm
mentioning this, because I wish for faster floating point performance
in Maxima.
For instance - it's often with big matrices (500x500 and up) that all
elements are floating point numbers. If we have two 'double-float
matrices - then the algorithms can be much faster - using lisp's '+'
for addition and so on. Ofcourse this is additional complication, but
it would mean very good floating point performance
(lu,svd,multiplication,eigenvalues and so on) if it were correctly
implemented. Lisp however makes things simple - since a lisp functon
doesn't need to distinguish between 'double-float matrices and
general matrices - 'aref' always works for retrieval of values.
However when additional performance is needed, 'double-float matrices
would help to get that MATLAB and Mathematica performance.
*) Entering matrices would probably be implemented as it is now -
with matrix function.
*) Make matrices/arrays good citizens of Maxima: besides indexing and
assigment, also functions like 'map' could be defined to work on both
(elementwise for lists and arrays). If it is possible for a function
to work on lists and arrays in somewhat the same way, it should be
implemented. If it is not - two functions should be written and named
approprietly, for instance:
*) The only place a word 'array' should be mentioned in Maxima
documentation is where implementation of matrices is explained,
ideally (if current array facilities are some day removed). I think
matrix (in Maxima language) is a suitable word for an array(its
meaning in computer science).
I'm hoping this discussion will result in changes in Maxima. I'm not
experienced enough to write any 'core implementation' of Maxima
matrices with arrays. I'm hoping veteran Maxima developers will do
that. I would, however, gladly contribute code for functions I would
know how to write (for instance write a $makematrix modeled after
$table) after the core implementation of array matrices is done.
Ziga Lenarcic