Subject: [ maxima-Bugs-609464 ] 1+%e,numer and %e^%e,numer
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 21:32:02 -0700
To be more explicit, we could have
(defmfun simplifya-numer(x y)
;; $numer is t %enumer is nil
(cond ((atom x) (cond ((eq x '$%pi) %pi-val)
(t x)))
(t (simplifya-regular x y))))
(defmfun simplifya-regular (x y)
;; $numer is nil %enumer is nil
(cond ((atom x) x)
(t ... rest copied from simplifya)))
(defmfun simplifya-numer-enumer (x y)
;; $numer is t, $%enumer is t
(cond ((atom x) (cond ((eq x '$%pi) %pi-val)
((eq x '$%e) %e-val)
(t x)))
(t (simplifya-regular x y))))
;;etc for enumer and not numer..