
with_slider creates animations which can only be viewed in wxmaxima
and can not be exported to gif files. You can also use
with_slider_draw which uses the draw package to create animations
(there are some examples at ).


On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:44 AM, julien cubizolles
<j.cubizolles at> wrote:
> I'm trying to produce some animations with wxmaxima : my goal is to have
> a loop of several functions, depending on the same parameter, displayed
> simultaneously, for different values of the parameter.
> * The first function I tried : with_slider() works but I couldn't get it
> to use gnuplot/openmath/animated_gif terminal. Also I didn't find how to
> change the size of the dumbterminal display.
> * I also tried the draw function with a syntax of the kind :
> draw2d(explicit(function,x,xmin,xmax)) ?in a for loop, but couldn't get
> it to draw 2 explicit functions in this manner.
> * The maxima doc states that the sliders option for openmath can't be
> used from inside plot2d : is it still the case or did I just not find
> the syntax ?
> Thanks for your help,
> Julien, desperate to have a nice illustration of phase and group speeds
> of a wave...
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