On broken wheels and user contributed code

I think a phpBB board would be great - for users and developers. Not  
all people like mailing lists (I haven't used one before Maxima's). A  
'Maxima forum' would be great.

Regarding broken wheels:

I don't see what's the problem including my $table. There are basicly  
these choices:
1) Don't include $table in any way, Maxima remains as it is (makelist 
() for another 30 years).
2) Include $table (other names are possible) and state in  
documentation that create_list and makelist are obsolete, but don't  
remove them.
3) ?

Even Mathematica does nr. 2. They have replaced function Random[]  
with functions RandomReal[] and RandomInteger[], to provide improved  
interface to random numbers and more features. They have a much  
larger userbase (and much more dependant on compatibility), but they  
still replace/ improve upon such basic functions by introducing new.

So I really don't see where is the problem with table(). Makelist and  
create_list are used in current programs, so they mustn't be changed.  
How to improve Maxima's list making capabilities? The only way I see  
- a new function. And the function is already written (if it doesn't  
meet some critearia, there are options to change it), I can also  
write documentation... Exactly what's the problem?

It's obvious I assume I'm in no position to decide or import  
something in Maxima src - but the problem is, nobody even tells me  
what to do with my contribution (except forking my own Maxima :)).

The same situation is with the improvements to $flatten and $random I  
suggested. I got no clear answer (what needs to be done or what is  
wrong with my proposal).

Ziga Lenarcic