Help with compile_file()

Joshua Stults schrieb:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to learn how to use compile_file(), but am having a bit of
> trouble. 

I have no experience with compliling either, but let's see: Firstly, it 
seems that the compiler cannot handle the undefined function f, however 
doing as maxima proposes:

 > Warning: f has a function or macro call which has not been translated 
 > The function was totaly undefined. Maybe you want to quote it.

...doesn't seem to work.  So we try to give the function name as a third 
argument (There may be more elegant approaches?).  Then, i does not seem 
to be evaluated to the number it is ought to have in the for loop.  This 
seems to be due to the evaluation partialities of ev() (of which I'm 
unaware).  It seems that the correct position of points should be 
substituted into f_coefs, so we'll try to use subst().

Now the following compiles and seems to work properly (om Maxima 5.18.1):

explicit_fde(steps, deriv, f) := block([A, a_f, b, coef_list, fde, 
func_vals, f_coefs, f_taylor, M, n, points, i],
   n : length(steps),
   f_taylor : taylor(f(x), x, x0, n),
   points : [x=x0+steps[1]*h],
   for i : 2 thru n do
     points : append(points, [x=x0+steps[i]*h])
   /* right-hand side vector (based on the derivative requested): */
   b : zeromatrix(n,1),
   b[deriv+1,1] : 1,
   /* function values vector: */
   func_vals : matrix([at(f(x), points[1])]),
   for i : 2 thru n do
     func_vals : addcol(func_vals, [at(f(x), points[i])])
   /* coefficients list */
   coef_list : [at(f(x),x=x0)],
   for i : 2 thru n do
     coef_list : append(coef_list, [ 'at('diff(f(x),x,i-1), x=x0) ] )
   f_coefs : submatrix(factor(augcoefmatrix([f_taylor], coef_list)), n+1),
   /* system matrix: */
   A : addcol(transpose(ev(f_coefs, points[1]))),
   for i : 2 thru n do
     A : addcol(A, transpose(subst(points[i], f_coefs)))
   M : lu_factor(A),
   /* solve for the coefficients: */
   a_f : fullratsimp( lu_backsub(M, b) ),
   /* finite difference expression: */
   fde : fullratsimp(func_vals.a_f),

(%i1) kill(all);
(%o0) done
(%i1) compile_file("m:/maxima/explicit_fde.mac");
Translation begun on #pm:/maxima/explicit_fde.mac.
See the `unlisp' file for possible optimizations.
Compiling m:/maxima/explicit_fde.LISP.
End of Pass 1.
End of Pass 2.
OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=2, Space=3, Speed=3
Finished compiling NIL.
(%i2) explicit_fde([-2, -1,0,1,2], 1, f);
Is  h  positive, negative, or zero?p;
(%o2) -(f(x0+2*h)-8*f(x0+h)+8*f(x0-h)-f(x0-2*h))/(12*h)