Correcting priority issues in mactex.lisp

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Richard Fateman
<fateman at> wrote:

> If we start putting in extra parentheses each time someone claims to be
> confused, it may not end here.

Sure. That's why it's a good idea to consider each change case-by-case,
as we are doing now.

> Time for a flag?  Perhaps something like add_extra_parens:   all    or some
>    or none {situation now}.

Another flag? Ugh.

> not what I see.    I see  (  sum(a[n]+b[n],n,1,k)    ) + ....
> not                               sum(   ( a[n]+b[n]  )  , n,1,k) + ... if
> that is clear :)

Are you using wxMaxima? I mean the 2-d display in command line Maxima.
What does build_info say?


Robert Dodier