Applying Ito's lemma

I am relatively new to Maxima and I would like to apply Ito's lemma to ln(f)
with f defined as follows:

*df:=(r + sigma_f * sigma_g) f dt +(sigma_f ) f dz*

Here is what I tried:


(diff(g(f,t),f(t),1)*(r + sigma_f * sigma_g) + diff(g(f,t),t,2) + 1/2*
diff(g(f,t),f(t),2)*(sigma_f * f(t))^2)*dt + diff(g(f,t),f(t),1)*(sigma_f *

I don't get what I want i.e. I it does not seem to derive. What I am getting
wrong in the syntax?

Can anyone please help?


Ps. Here is the original lemma for your information: