noninteractive proposal

I think it would be generally useful to make a small change to noninteractive.mac.

I changed line 114 and line 136 in noninteractive.mac to 

apply('myfun, interleave (c%, L%)))

This allows me to hook in any function to handle the rest of the computation.  If myfun is bound to a user defined function called say dosomework  then the user can decide what to do next by writing their own handler dosomework.  I think this is better than always calling funmake('if, interleave (c%, L%))).

Here is an example

(%i1) f(x):=%e^(-x^2)$
(%i2) myfun:dosomework$
(%i3) load(noninteractive)$
(%i4) integrate(1/(x^2+1)*exp(-2*%pi*t*x*%i),x,minf,inf);
(out4) dosomework(t<0,%pi*%e^(2*%pi*t),equal(t,0),%pi*%e^(-2*%pi*t),true,%pi*%e^(-2*%pi*t))

If dosomework is defined then of course it would have some kind of output in place of (out4).
