How to create a standalone executable using ECL

Sadly, not an option for me. I am using Visual Studio on Windows to
build. Hence the reason for using INSTALL.LISP.

Do you know anyone familiar with the ECL configuration who might be
able to give some pointers on what it does that is different to
INSTALL.LISP? All I need are some real pointers and I can probably
work out the rest myself.


On 6/12/09, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> wrote:
> Blair Sutton wrote:
>> I followed the instructions in INSTALL.LISP and there's no binary in
>> that folder. I need to run Maxima using: -
>> (load "maxima-build.lisp")
>> (maxima-load)
>> (cl-user::run)
>> Is there an alternative build method?
> I built from sources using the familiar configure; make steps.
> Ray

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