The user function $options

Robert Dodier wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Dieter Kaiser<drdieterkaiser at> wrote:
>> The complete code of the no longer documented function $options is still
>> present in the file option.lisp. The functionality has never been
>> extended. One point is, that there is a lot of stuff in the property
>> lists related to this function.
> The main problem I see is that the list of options for each item
> has to be maintained by hand, so it's likely that the lists are
> out of date. 
define and encourage the use of
and some maxima-language equivalent?

> It would be best to automatically generate such a
> list, but I don't see how. If we must maintain a list of relevant
> options by hand, I would rather see it in the reference manual.
>> Perhaps we should cut out $options completely.
> OK by me.
Sounds like the wrong direction. We need more documentation not less :)

> best
> Robert Dodier
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