Subject: automatically start imaxima using maxima-mode
From: Nils Kanning
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 23:36:27 +0200
I just started using imaxima for emacs.
If I open a file using maxima-mode and then send this buffer to maxima
(Maxima/Process/Send Buffer), I get an "ordinary" maxima session instead
of an imaxima session with nice output.
Is there any way to change this?
Everything works fine, if I start a imaxima session manually (in another
buffer) and then do Maxima/Process/Send Buffer.
The relevant part of my .emacs file looks like this:
(require 'imaxima)
(autoload 'imaxima "imaxima" "Image support for Maxima." t)
(autoload 'imath-mode "imath" "Interactive Math minor mode." t)
(autoload 'maxima-mode "maxima" "Maxima mode" t)
(setq imaxima-use-maxima-mode-flag t)
(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.max$" . maxima-mode))
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