No, you cannot assign a matrix of matrices to a rank-4 tensor using components(). The matrix form of components() is strictly for rank-2 tensors. However, you can accomplish what you want (if I understood your problem correctly) by defining the tensor using a functional form:
(%i1) load(itensor);
(%o1) /usr/share/maxima/5.15.0/share/tensor/itensor.lisp
(%i2) x:matrix([x1,x2],[x3,x4]);
[ x1 x2 ]
(%o2) [ ]
[ x3 x4 ]
(%i3) y:matrix([x,x],[x,x]);
[ [ x1 x2 ] [ x1 x2 ] ]
[ [ ] [ ] ]
[ [ x3 x4 ] [ x3 x4 ] ]
(%o3) [ ]
[ [ x1 x2 ] [ x1 x2 ] ]
[ [ ] [ ] ]
[ [ x3 x4 ] [ x3 x4 ] ]
(%i4) T(l1,l2,[l3]):=if length(l1)=4 and length(l2) = 0 and length(l3) = 0 and numberp(l1[1]) and numberp(l1[2]) and numberp(l1[3]) and numberp(l1[4]) then y[l1[1],l1[2]][l1[3],l1[4]] else apply(nounify(T),append([l1,l2],l3))$
(%i5) T([a,b,c,d],[]);
(%o5) T([a, b, c, d], [])
(%i6) T([1,2,1,2],[]);
(%o6) x2
-----Original Message-----
From: maxima-bounces at [mailto:maxima-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gu?nha?l
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 6:23 PM
To: maxima at
Subject: itensor & components
I?m a newbie and have some questions about itensor.
First, if I write for example:
x: matrix ([17, 3], [-8, 11])$y: matrix ([x, x], [x, x]);
And I would like to assign each terms of ?y? to the components of a tensor like this (but it doesn?t work in this case):
In a second time I did some formal calculs and obtain a function f of T([i,j,k,l],[]).
I can see each value of each term of f([i,j,k,l],[]) by writing for example:
But I would prefer to be able to write all the terms in one time in the same form of ?y?.
Thanks by advance.